Hometown Christmas Parade Volunteers


We are looking for volunteers for our 2023 Christmas Parade in Downtown Parker! Here are some important details:

Date: 12/09/23, Parade will start at 10:30am and volunteers will be expected to arrive a few hours before this time. More details will be provided once your assignment has been solidified. 

Volunteer Opportunity: We are expecting a big crowd for this event! Volunteers will be assigned to one of three areas: Parade Route, Entrance/Exit, or Staging. A brief description of each is below.  We are accepting volunteers ages 15 and above, however certain assignments are age restricted so it is important that you sign up for the correct volunteer category. We do offer community service hours for students as well.

Volunteer groups are appreciated however, each volunteer will need to submit an individual sign up! This allows us to designate assignments.

PARADE ROUTE: Ensure the safety of spectators by keeping them off of the route during the parade

ENTRANCE / EXITS: Allow participants to enter the parade area after road closures

STAGING: Assist Parade Coordinators with organizing participants in their staging area

Further details will be provided to you via email as we get closer to the event! Do not hesitate to reach out to Ashley with any questions. (330-933-7899 or AshleyNagyDBA@gmail.com)


Countown to the Hometown Christmas Parade






